
The Heart That Silence Built

poems about adoption, trauma, permanency and family


Healing from many of the unspoken pains of her adoption journey, Wendy explores themes of love, family, loss, grief, and trauma with this book. Silence, and it's impact on identity, is another major theme explored, with hopes that it will touch the hearts of so many adoptees that hold unspoken truths about their journeys. Wendy started writing poetry the year her younger sister was born, and this book features work authored between the ages of 12 and 30 from a complex adoption journey.

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NEW! the heart that silence built second edition and EPUB release!

What’s new in the second edition? Five new poems, subheadings with ages from when each poem was written, a helpful glossary of terms, and a preface written by the author.

EPUB + Paperback Bundle is available for $29.


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